We Are Baptised.
We are the baptized. We often begin our worship services giving thanks to God for the gift of Baptism. In Holy Baptism, we are forgiven of our sins, we are freed from the power of death and the forces of evil in our world, we are given the gift of eternal life, and we are filled with the Holy Spirit. As we give thanks for these gifts, we remember our call to proclaim Christ in what we say and what we do, that we care for others and for God’s creation, and work for justice and peace. Baptized into Christ; this is who we are!
It is an honour and privilege to serve as your pastor, particularly in these coming weeks and days as we will celebrate the baptisms of four young people and celebrate the affirmation of baptism (confirmation) of two of our youth. As we celebrate with them and their families, I encourage us all to remember our own baptism into Christ. May we join them in boldly confessing our faith and affirming God’s work in our lives. May we trust in God’s Spirit, at work in us through baptism, who equips us to follow Jesus. Indeed we are forgiven and set free; may we live in that freedom to love our God and love our neighbour.
In Christ, Pastor Aaron