Congratulations, church: you are pregnant!
Following Brian McLaren’s lead, I am convinced that many of the changes and sufferings that the church is experiencing are signs that the Holy Spirit is birthing something new in us. We see the body changing, we have been focusing on our own comfort, experiencing moodiness and cramping, and perhaps even some enlarging of our stomachs. I suggest that, rather than focusing on our discomfort and changing body, we start sending out birth announcements and invite others to join in what the Holy Spirit is doing in our midst.
We have moved into the season after Pentecost. The church colours have changed to green which remind us that this is a season of growth for Christ’s church. Perhaps as part of our growth in this season, we might be mindful of the church’s pregnancy and do what pregnant women do: focus on the things that matter most. May we grow in discipleship - in following Jesus. May we listen for God’s voice - trusting that God is speaking to us through God’s Word. May we find rest - trusting that God is strengthening us for the journey ahead.
In Christ, Pastor Aaron