Holy Week

Holy Week is upon us. On the Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday, we marked Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We joined the procession with waving of palm branches and shouts of Hosanna, knowing that the cross awaits. We heard the passion gospel according to Luke, and with it some memorable last words from our Saviour: “Father, forgive them; for the do not know what they are doing.”, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”, and “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” We gather on Maundy Thursday as we remember Jesus’ new commandment (mandatum) to love one another as Jesus has first loved us. We remember this call to love as we wash one another’s feet and gather around the Lord’s Table. The service closes with the stripping of the altar which serves as a sign of Jesus’ abandonment. We continue the journey through the great three days on Good Friday, hearing John’s passion gospel which focuses on Christ’s victory on the cross. We reverence the cross, remembering that Christ has died so that we may live. We celebrate this new life and the hope of resurrection on Easter Sunday, with shouts of Alleluia; trusting that by Christ’s life, death and resurrection - death has been defeated! Thanks be to God!

In Christ, Pastor Aaron


Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!


Reconciliation can be hard