Gradual return
The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.
It is very good to be back! I am grateful to you all for your prayers, care, support, cards, notes, letters, and love. Thank you for holding me in this time of healing and renewal, especially these past couple weeks on my return. I am on a gradual return-to-work plan and will be slowly increasing my time in office over the coming weeks. Although my hours will be intentionally limited, continuing the next few weeks, please don’t hesitate to reach out should you wish to receive pastoral care or with any pastoral concerns. My initial focus in ministry will be with worship, and I anticipate returning to other ministries gradually in the coming weeks. I look forward to hearing about God’s work in and among you over these past months, and I look forward to sharing with you how I have experienced God through my leave. I look forward to being with you in worship on Sundays, and in our mid week services on Wednesday’s. Whether worshipping on-line or in-person, we are united in the body of Christ - we are gathered together in God’s Spirit - we are God’s beloved.
In Christ,
Pastor Aaron