Pastor’s Message Sept 20, 2021
It is a week of transition for us at Advent. The seasons turn from summer to fall, we head to the voting booth to elect our federal government, there’s a new provincial restriction exemption program, and at Advent specifically, programs and ministries are starting anew, including a couple new adventures in our educational ministries. We had hoped to be transitioning away from “pandemic” towards “endemic”, yet we are called to be diligent once again to help protect our over-burdened health care system. There are lots of adventures and unknowns ahead this week.
Amidst the unknowns, we are hearing stories from Mark’s Gospel in which Jesus teaches the disciples, and us, what Jesus’ Lordship and what discipleship looks like. We are invited into another adventure: to take up our cross and follow. Set your mind, not on human things, but on divine things. Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all. As we welcome “one such child” in Jesus’ name, we welcome Christ. We don’t know what life will look like later this week, and much appears to be out of our hands., Yet we know, trust, and believe that we are called to love and serve in Jesus’ name. Amidst the unknowns, may you move forward as a disciple of Jesus Christ; knowing both who you are, and whose you are.
In Christ, Pastor Aaron